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love+ healing+freedom



Hello Pretty Profundo Crew!!

This is an invitation for you to come and disconnect from your daily challenges and find peace and stillness living the simple life, surrounded by a sacred land full of medicinal plants and nature so you can connect with your higher self and begin to unlock and remember your superpowers.

We are committed to bringing healing and conscious awareness to the planet and being a tool from the divine to help people navigate their blockages and traumas and help people to heal and find peace through nature and natural medicine.

We offered many different healing modalities on the hand of Certified experience holistic healers like:

* Ayahuasca Ceremonies

* Plant Dieta

* Reiki

* Magdalene Touch

* Flourishment baths

* Cacao Ceremonies

* Rape Ceremonies

* Kambo Ceremonies

* New & Full Moon Ceremonies

* Sacred divine Feminine and Masculine circles

* Spiritual Coaching


Cote Munizaga

Cote is a Medicine Woman and the Founder of Pretty Profundo.

Urpi Sonko was the name given by one of her maestros in Nazca Peru while studying the Andean cosmovision and means the Heart of Dove where she built a deep connection with the Apus and Pachamama, years later she felt the call from the sacred plant medicine where she was initiated by the Shipibo Konibo Tribe and the plant gave her the name of Ronin Same that means the Cosmic serpent.

She specializes in ancient healing techniques from the indigenous areas of South and Central America embracing and bringing to life forgotten healing modalities and the wisdom of Ancient Cultures like The Mayas, The Incas, etc. 

Cote is a certified practitioner of the Magdalene Energy, Reiki, she is a Master facilitator of the grounding sacred medicine of the Cacao, Chumpi stones, as well the Kambo medicine and currently a disciple of the Plant medicine where she is currently learning on the hand of her ‘maestro’.

She provides constant support as a Spiritual Coach with themes like ascension, twin flames, and how to take the steps to reclaim your sovereignty; as a medicine woman is very committed to bringing the power and wisdom of the Plant Medicine; connecting the collective with the spirit of the Sacred Plants and taking groups into the heart of the Peruvian Jungle to experience Master plants like the Ayahuasca as part of what her first encounter with plant showed her and told her.

She has studied with Maestros in Peru and has brought back her ceremonial knowledge to facilitate many healing modalities having been initiated in various parts of the world to perform her healing art and ceremonies in the Midwest where she had her healing studio and all over the world.

​Cote is a Divine Feminine that enjoys traveling, embraces new experiences, and shares with like-minded people her journey and gifts, she keeps working and supporting the Spiritual Community through transformation and awakening of consciousness while we all go through the process of Ascension and Awakening of the Planet.

Cesar Maynas Bardales-Soimetsa

Onaya Shipibo Konibo, with 25 years of experience in the treatment of medicinal plants and the master plant Oni (Ayahuasca). Recognized by the Ministry of Culture of Peru through Directorial Resolution N D00000-2019-DDC-UCA / MC, not counting the previous 10 years of curative practices. He has directed ceremonies in the United States of America and Chile with excellent results.

 In Pucallpa, Irapai, he directs the center "RAO KANO XOBO" (HOUSE OF MEDICINAL ENERGY), where people from Russia, Australia, Canada, Italy, Spain, Holland, England, Romania, New Zealand, United States, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. They have cured themselves and made diets of medicinal plants.

 The íkaros (sacred healing songs) of the Onaya César Maynas Bardales whose Shipibo name is Soimetsa (Beautiful and Well-Done Work); They deserve special comment: they are generational inheritances that have been transmitted to him through his Onayas family tree, but at the same time they are instant creations inspired by God and the spirits of the master plants for the specific healing of the patient during the celebration of the ceremony. of healing.

 These íkaros - true poetry in its own right-; at the same time; they contain deep and advanced spiritual and medicinal knowledge and integrate the art of the word. The vibration of the Onaya Soimetsa's voice emits a very beautiful frequency, high, low, sharp, and melodious that generates a spiritual-energetic surgery in the patient's body (energetic body, subtle body, and physical body). Soimetsa perfected her icaros with the guidance of her teacher, the great Onaya Antonio Muñoz Burga - Senen Pani (Vertical Energy Suspended in the Universe).

Recently deceased. Master Senen Pani's legacy survives in the icaros and the serious work of Onaya César Maynas Bardales-Soimetsa. Traditional Shipibo Konibo healing art at the service of healing brothers and sisters around the world.

His work is guaranteed by his knowledge and his experience.

Mark Quinto

 Publicist and audiovisual producer with more than 10 years of experience in filming and advertising. He oversees and crystallizes our forever memories with his talent in photography and production.

 He is the logistics director in charge of making sure everything runs smoothly when we receive our patients/passengers, from taking them from the airport to the planning and logistics of all kinds of activities or adventures inside and outside of our healing center.


He comes from an ancestral lineage of teachers, his grandfather taught him the knowledge of visualizing science which helped him over time to be more aware of the dimensions in which we live. During the ceremony, he is known as "the eyes of the maestro" due to his ability to see while in the ceremony.

He provides  support in all logistic and administrative tasks at the Pretty Profundo healing center.

 Do you know the Benefits of Energy Healing?

Every you see it's energy!! Energy Healing improves the flow of energy and allows you to get past old patterns of beliefs and behaviors and move into a more harmonious and loving life.


  • Creates deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension

  • Accelerates the body’s self-healing abilities

  • Aids better sleep

  • Reduces blood pressure

  • Helps relieve pain

  • Removes energy blockages, adjusts the energy flow of the endocrine system to bring the body into balance and harmony

  • Assists the body in cleansing itself from toxins

  • Supports the immune system

  • Increases vitality and postpones the aging process

  • Raises the vibrational frequency of the body

  • Helps spiritual growth and emotional clearing






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